Guardians Council Rejects Controversial New Iran Hijab Law

An Iranian draft law giving more powers to police to enforce women's compulsory wearing of the hijab has been ruled unconstitutional.

Iranian state media reported January 3 that the powerful Guardians Council, a 12-member group that examines legislation, rejected the draft law.

Under Islamic law in Iran, a woman must cover her head and neck and conceal her hair.

The official IRNA news agency, quoting a council spokesman, said the 24-point plan contained 14 flaws and it "contradicted the constitution and was not approved."

IRNA said that the council has sent the law back to parliament for amendment.

The draft law, which was approved by parliament in December, also aimed to place responsibility on employers to ensure the hijab rule is observed by workers, with companies facing fines for noncompliance.

Reporting by AFP and IRNA