Former Israeli Leader Indicted On Corruption Charges

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert

Reports in Israel say former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has been indicted on new corruption charges for allegedly seeking bribes in a series of real estate projects.

The alleged crimes took place while Olmert was mayor of Jerusalem, a position he held before becoming prime minister in 2006.

Olmert has denied all charges.

Eli Zohar, a lawyer for Olmert, speaking today to Reuters in Jerusalem said his client was innocent.

"I don't know what there is a dispute about and what their isn't," Zohar said. "Ehud Olmert did not accept bribes, period."

The former Israeli leader, who is already standing trial on a separate corruption charge, has been tainted by suspicions of corruption during his three-decade political career, without once being convicted.

The accusations, however, forced Olmert to resign after a three-year term as prime minister in 2009.

compiled from agency reports