U.S. Vice President To Visit Poland, Romania

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris is due to arrive in Poland on March 9 to meet with Polish officials to discuss the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the impact the war is having on the region.

During her March 9-11 trip, Harris is also visiting another NATO member, Romania, located on the alliance's southeastern flank.

The vice president’s agenda in Warsaw and Bucharest is expected to center on economic, security, and humanitarian assistance for Ukraine, the White House has said.

“The vice president’s meetings will also focus on how the United States can further support Ukraine’s neighbors as they welcome and care for refugees fleeing violence,” a spokesman for Harris said.

Poland is assisting about 1.2 million Ukrainians and others who have fled the war so far.

The United States has more than doubled its military presence in Poland to 9,000 troops in recent weeks.

Based on reporting by Reuters and AP