Kazakhstan Creates New Military Branch To Fight Cyberthreats

Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbaev

Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbaev says a new military branch has been established to protect the Central Asian country against cyberthreats.

Nazarbaev spoke on May 7 at a military parade devoted to Kazakhstan's national army day.

"New highly mobile forces for special operations have been established in order to react effectively to new threats and challenges," he said in remarks at the Otar military base in the southern region of Zhambyl.

"These new special units carry out measures against cyberthreats. They have been formed and integrated into the country’s defense system," Nazarbaev said.

Some 3,000 troops, 40 aircraft, and 300 military vehicles took part in the parade.

Kazakhstan’s national army day, formally known as Defender of the Fatherland Day, is marked in the former Soviet republic on May 7.