Prosecutors Seek Prison Term For Kazakh Activist For Online Talk With Opposition Figure

Kazakh activist Nurlybay Tataev is accused of taking part in a banned group's activities. (file photo)

Prosecutors asked a court in Kazakhstan's southern city of Turkistan on August 1 to sentence activist Nurlybai Tataev to 12 months in prison over an online conversation he had in 2021 with the self-exiled leader of the Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan (DVK) movement, Mukhtar Ablyazov. Tataev is accused of taking part in a banned group's activities. His lawyers insist the charge is illegitimate, citing the statute of limitations. The DVK was banned in Kazakhstan in 2018. Many activists across the Central Asian nation have been handed prison terms or parole-like restricted freedom sentences in recent years for their involvement in DVK activities. To read the original story by RFE/RL's Kazakh Service, click here.