Kosovo Court Rules President Election Illegal

A seemingly newly elected President Behgjet Pacolli takes the oath in parliament in Pristina on February 22.

Kosovo's constitutional court has ruled that last month's presidential election was unconstitutional, but it was unclear whether the verdict would lead to President Behgjet Pacolli's resignation or a new vote in parliament.

An opposition party had filed a complaint citing irregularities during the February 22 legislative vote that made Pacolli president.

The ruling was the second against a Kosovo head of state in six months.

President Fatmir Sejdiu resigned in September 2010 after the same court said he violated the constitution by also serving as a party leader.

Multimillionaire businessman Pacolli remains unpopular among the majority of Kosovo Albanians largely because of his close business ties with Moscow, which backs Serbia in opposing Kosovo's independence.

Kosovo declared independence from Serbia three years ago.

compiled from agency reports