8 Kyrgyz Women, 14 Children Return Home From Syrian Camps With U.S. Help

Kyrgyz women and children return to Kyrgyzstan from Syria in August 2023.

The Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry said on July 19 that 8 Kyrgyz women and 14 children returned to the Central Asian nation from refugee camps in Syria's northeast. The ministry said the United States gave "direct support and assistance" in implementing another Aikol-6 humanitarian mission to repatriate Kyrgyz citizens from Syria. Hundreds of Kyrgyz citizens, mostly women and children, have been repatriated from Syria in recent years with the involvement of international organizations. Kyrgyz authorities said in 2018 that 850 Kyrgyz nationals, including about 140 women, had joined terrorist organizations in Syria and in Iraq, of whom 150 were killed in these places.