Kyrgyz, Tajik Sides Agree To Expedite Border Demarcation

Kyrgyz-Tajik relations have been tense after a border shooting incident earlier this month.(file photo)

Kyrgyz-Tajik relations have been tense after a border shooting incident earlier this month.(file photo)

BISHKEK -- Kyrgyz and Tajik officials have agreed to expedite border demarcation in disputed areas.

Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry officials say visiting Tajik Prime Minister Murodali Alimardon and his Kyrgyz counterpart, Tokon Mamytov, agreed in Bishkek on January 31 that the two countries' working groups on border delimitation must expedite their activities.

The next meeting on border demarcation will be held in February.

The two Central Asian nations brought additional forces to a disputed area near Kyrgyzstan's southern Batken region earlier this month amid tensions following a shooting incident there.

Several Kyrgyz and Tajik border guards and one Kyrgyz police officer were injured in that skirmish.

The incident was sparked by Kyrgyzstan's construction of a new highway near the border.

Kyrgyz authorities announced on January 22 that Kyrgyz and Tajik military units have begun withdrawing from the area.