Russia Calls Sixth Round Of Moscow-Tbilisi Talks 'Constructive'

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin has called a sixth round of Moscow-Tbilisi talks on the normalization of bilateral ties "constructive."

Karasin told journalists in Prague on April 16 after meeting with the Georgian prime minister's envoy for relations with Russia, Zurab Abashidze, that economic and tourism ties between the two countries have improved since a first round of talks was held in Geneva in December 2012.

Karasin said that the detention by Russian troops of three Georgian journalists on April 15 near the administrative boundary of the breakaway South Ossetia region was also discussed at the talks.

Karasin added that "unfortunately, a part of Georgia's population is interested in confrontation and escalation of tension."

The Russian Foreign Ministry earlier called the boundary incident a "provocation" by the journalists, who "demonstratively" entered South Ossetian territory.
Based on reporting by Interfax and ITAR-TASS