No New Libya Cabinet Yet; Fighting Continues

Interim Prime Minister Mahmud Jibril

With fighting still continuing against loyalists of ousted ruler Muammar Qaddafi, Libya's interim regime says it has not yet been able to agree on the composition of a new cabinet.

Interim Prime Minister Mahmud Jibril, who had been expected to appoint officials to a cabinet by September 18, said talks were continuing on who should fill key positions.

"The new government will be declared as soon as the discussion has finished, and I hope we finalize the discussion soon,” Jibril told reporters in the interim regime's base in the eastern city of Benghazi.

Forces backed by the National Transitional Council, meanwhile, have continued to face resistance from Qaddafi loyalists in the town of Bani Walid and Qaddafi's birthplace of Sirte.

Anti-Qaddafi fighters have tried several times to storm Bani Walid, located 150 kilometers southeast of Tripoli, in recent days, but have been forced to retreat under fire from loyalists.

National Transitional Council forces seized the capital Tripoli last month, but say they still must capture Bani Walid and Sirte before Libya can be said to be fully liberated from Qaddafi's rule.

compiled from agency reports