India's Modi In Russia To Meet With Putin

Indian President Narendra Modi (left) meets with Russian President Putin in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, in 2022.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to meet with President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on July 8 in the South Asian leader's first visit to Russia since Putin ordered the full-scale invasion of Ukraine more than two years ago.

Modi reportedly arrived earlier in the day on the first stop on a three-day tour that will also take him to Austria.

Modi tweeted in conjunction with the Russian visit and the subsequent stop planned for Austria that "These visits will be a wonderful opportunity to deepen ties with these nations, with whom India has time tested friendship."

He suggested he'd be meeting with the Indian communities in both countries.

The Kremlin said the talks would explore "prospects for the further development of traditionally friendly Russian-Indian relations, as well as current issues on the international and regional agenda."

India has emerged as a growing trade partner for Russia since international sanctions were imposed to punish Russia's aggression, particularly as a key customer along with China for Russian oil.

Unlike his Western partners, Modi has avoided squarely blaming Russia for the invasion or condemning Moscow's actions.

Instead, New Delhi has stressed its desire for a peaceful end to the conflict.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Putin and Modi would meet "with a free agenda, one-on-one."

Reuters quoted a senior Indian official as saying last week that Modi's top priorities on the visit would be addressing the growing trade imbalance with Russia and pursuing the release of Indian nationals seemingly duped into fighting for Russia in Ukraine.

In March, the Indian Embassy in Moscow said Indian national Shri Mohammed Asfan "tragically died." Indian reports suggested Asfan had been tricked by recruiters offering money for "helpers" but forcing respondents into the fighting.

With reporting by Reuters