Naryn Festival Showcases The Richness Of Kyrgyzstan's Nomadic Culture

The bravery and showmanship of a Kyrgyz horseman is on display as he thunders across the plain while engulfed in flames. Horses are essential to the nomadic lifestyle, as life on the mountains and on the steppes would be impossible without them.

Kyrgyz people dressed in traditional garb stand against a backdrop of white yurts and the picturesque steppes.

A Kyrgyz horseman showcases his deft riding skills as he reaches down from his horse to retrieve an object on the ground.

Kyrgyz musicians perform traditional music.

Kyrgyz horsemen demonstrate their fighting skills with a lance. 

A traditionally dressed Kyrgyz girl sells tasty treats to visitors while surrounded by colorful tapestries evoking the richness of her unique culture.

A Kyrgyz berkutchi, or eagle hunter, strokes his golden eagle.

A traditional eagle hunt demonstrates the bird's training as it catches a rabbit.

A Kyrgyz man latches onto a woman as they ride their horses in the national game of "kyz kuumai" (girl chasing).

Kyrgyz women in festive traditional attire smile as they watch the events unfold. 

Kyrgyz girls showcase their archery skills.

Kyrgyz horsemen compete in the traditional game of "kok-boru," in which players attempt to place a goat carcass, known as an "ulak," into the goal of their opponents. In games like this, men and their horses are taught to be fearless.


Kyrgyz horsemen display their colors as they race across the plains.