Azerbaijani Media Say Baku Miffed At French Over Olympic Broadcast

A scene from the opening ceremonies of the Paris 2024 Olympics on July 26.

Azerbaijani media reports claim Baku is preparing a protest to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and a complaint via diplomatic channels to Olympics host France after a commentator on French public television reportedly called Armenians "our friends" and suggested Nagorno-Karabakh had recently "passed into the hands of the Azerbaijani Army." The alleged remarks came during the introduction of national contingents on France 2 during opening ceremonies in Paris on July 26. There was no official confirmation of any Azerbaijani complaint. Nagorno-Karabakh is internationally recognized Azerbaijani territory, but ethnic Armenians backed by Yerevan controlled it for decades until Azerbaijani forces retook it in September 2023. The IOC has tight rules in place to try to avoid the introduction of politics into its sports competitions and official events. To read the original story by RFE/RL's Armenian Service, click here.