Pussy Riot's Tolokonnikova Appeals To Supreme Court

Jailed Pussy Riot member Nadezhda Tolokonnikova

MOSCOW -- Jailed Pussy Riot member Nadezhda Tolokonnikova has asked Russia's Supreme Court to throw out her conviction and prison sentence.

Her lawyer, Irina Khrunova, said on November 7 that she had filed an appeal on Tolokonnikova's behalf with the Supreme Court.

Tolokonnikova is serving a two-year sentence for a 2012 performance in a Moscow cathedral criticizing President Vladimir Putin.

She went on a hunger strike to protest prison conditions in September.

Prison authorities said last week that she was being moved to a new prison colony, but her husband said on November 6 that he had not been able to contact her for more than two weeks.

Khrunova said the following day that there were indications Tolokonnikova had been transferred to a prison in Siberia, but she could not confirm this.

On November 6, Amnesty International urged Russian authorities to disclose Tolokonnikova's whereabouts.

With reporting by Reuters