Iran Celebrations Erupt After Rohani Declared Victor

Spontaneous celebrations broke out in Tehran after authorities said Rohani garnered 50.68 of the vote in the June 14 election.

Rohani flashed a victory sign as he left a polling station after casting his ballot in Tehran.

Thousands of Iranians poured onto the streets of the capital and other cities after the early evening announcement on June 15 that Rohani had won the vote and obviated the need for a second round.

Rohani supporters took to the streets to express hope for the change that the cleric and former military commander advocated during the campaign.
Rohani is due to replace Mahmud Ahmadinejad, seen here casting his ballot at a polling station in southern Tehran, in the presidency.
Rohani supporters turned out at Vanak Square in northern Tehran soon after the announcement of Rohani's victory on June 15.
Iranians in the capital celebrate the Rohani victory, some of them wearing the green color adopted by the opposition that emerged from the 2009 vote in which many alleged fraud.
Merrymakers in the capital on June 15.
One of the celebrants at Vanak Square in Tehran wears a mask of the president-elect.
Many analysts have warned that expectations might be unrealistically high for Hassan Rohani, who does not openly identify himself as a "reformer" but was supported by reform-minded political leaders.
A woman flashes a victory sign alongside a photo of Rohani, a former military commander and lawmaker.
Rohani supporters congratulate each other after the Interior Ministry announced the result. Many critics of the current leadership put their hopes in the 64-year-old Rohani, who had expressed sympathy with political forces who were defeated in the fiercely disputed 2009 election.
People gather under a portrait of Rohani outside his campaign headquarters after the announcement of his victory on June 15.
A woman displays images of pro-reform leaders who have allied themselves behind the candidacy of Hassan Rohani.
Celebrations along Vali Asr Street in Tehran after Rohani was declared the winner.
Rohani is seen behind protective glass as he greets supporters.