Romania Sees Threat From Horse-Meat Scandal

Romanian President Traian Basescu

President Traian Basescu says Romania’s credibility could be damaged for “many years” if a Romanian meat supplier is found to be at fault for the scandal in European countries over horse meat being sold as beef.

European Union-member Romania says it has begun an investigation into the allegations.

France has alleged that Romanian butchers and Dutch and Cypriot traders were part of the supply chain that resulted in horse meat being disguised as beef and sold in preprepared meals, including lasagna and other dishes.

Such meals have been removed from store shelves in countries including Britain, France, and Sweden.

French authorities say the mislabeling could amount to criminal fraud and have pledged thorough investigations.

No health problems have been reported so far as a result of the mislabeled meat.

Based on reporting from AP and AFP