Rule-Of-Law Index Ranks Iran Last In World On Fundamental Rights

Iran's courts are said to be "subject to corruption and political interference."

Iran's courts are said to be "subject to corruption and political interference."

An annual survey on the rule of law has ranked Iran last in the world for the protection of fundamental rights, saying Iranian law enforcement is used often to perpetrate abuses against citizens.

The World Justice Project Rule of Law Index, which ranks countries on such key areas as whether the government is held accountable, there is access to justice, rights are protected, and crime and corruption is prevented, is funded by a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

It also says Iran's courts are subject to corruption and political interference.

The report notes weak protections for fundamental rights in China, "serious deficiencies" in Russia, and problems with "a gap between rich and poor for access to justice" in the United States.

It said Russia "shows serious deficiencies in checks and balances among the different branches of government, leading to an institutional environment characterized by corruption, impunity, and political interference."

with agency reports