Russia Adds Blogger, Telegram Channel To 'Foreign Agents' List

Russian blogger Daria Bogdanova (file photo)

Russia's Justice Ministry has added a blogger and a widely read Telegram channel to its "foreign agents" register. Daria Bogdanova was added to the list for "creating and distributing foreign agent" materials and "disseminating false information about decisions made by Russian authorities," speaking out against Russia's war in Ukraine, and taking part in fundraising for Ukraine's military, the ministry said. The Telegram channel VChK-OGPU, which is widely read and is believed to have ties to security agencies, was added to the list for "dissemination of false information aimed at creating a negative image of the Russian army." Russia has used its "foreign agent" law since 2012 to label and punish critics of government policies. To read the original story by Current Time. click here.