Unidentified Attacker Shoots At Siberian Rights Activist's Car

Svyatoslav Khromenkov

An unidentified gunman has fired at least one bullet at a car belonging to human rights activist and blogger Svyatoslav Khromenkov in the Siberian city of Irkutsk. Khromenkov told RFE/RL on June 30 that the attack took place while he was in his office streaming a report about problems faced by a rights defender from the Siberian region of Buryatia, Artyom Burlov. Khromenkov said a bullet pierced his car, leaving a hole. He said he considers the attack as an attempt to intimidate him and stop his human rights activities. Khromenkov also said that he regularly receives threats by phone from unknown individuals. To read the original story by RFE/RL's Siberia.Realities, click here.