Pro-Kremlin Journalist Fired After Publishing Frank Interview With Prigozhin

Yevgeny Prigozhin (center) with Wagner fighters in Bakhmut.

Pro-Kremlin journalist Konstantin Dolgov was fired on May 25, a day after he published the full version of an interview with Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner private mercenary group. Dolgov said he had been informed that his firing from the Telega ONLINE pro-Kremlin media project was linked to the interview, in which Prigozhin said Moscow’s plan to "demilitarize" Ukraine has failed and that Russia's invasion of its neighbor "turned Ukraine's army into one of the most powerful in the world." In the interview, Prigozhin also harshly criticized Russia's top military officials, accusing them of unprofessionalism and corruption. To read the original story of Current Time, click here.