Russian Authorities Counter Khabarovsk Protests With Loud Beethoven

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Residents of the Far Eastern city of Khabarovsk got an unexpected soundtrack for their weekly protest march against the arrest and trial of their former governor as authorities broadcast loud classical music over public loudspeakers. September 19 marked the 71st day of mass protests against the arrest of regional Governor Sergei Furgal on almost two-decade-old murder charges on July 9 and against Russian President Vladimir Putin's appointment of Mikhail Degtyaryov as acting governor. As demonstrators reached the city’s central square and the offices of the regional authorities, they were greeted with recordings of works by Ludwig van Beethoven played at thunderous volume. Municipal authorities said the music was meant to mark the 250th birthday of the German composer, born in December 1770. Loud symphonic music could be heard in the background as several hundred protesters, under drizzling rain, chanted slogans in support of Furgal, who is being tried in Moscow, and against the Kremlin-backed acting governor. (Footage via @teamnavalnykhv)