The United States has accused Russia of financing a Latin America-wide disinformation campaign, which feeds media contacts with propaganda and fake news aimed at weakening support for Ukraine and boosting anti-U.S. and anti-NATO sentiments. "The Kremlin's ultimate goal appears to be to launder its propaganda and disinformation through local media in a way that feels organic to Latin American audiences," the State Department said in a statement on November 7. The statement is the latest volley by Washington in its attempts to counter what it says is Russia's use of disinformation to promote the Kremlin's foreign policy goals.
U.S. Says Russia Funds Latin America-Wide Anti-Ukraine Disinformation Drive

"The Kremlin's ultimate goal appears to be to launder its propaganda and disinformation through local media in a way that feels organic to Latin American audiences," the U.S. State Department said on November 7.