Lawyer: Edward Snowden Wants To Return Home

Edward Snowden (file photo)

A Russian lawyer for Edward Snowden says the former U.S. intelligence contractor wants to return home and that he would return if he was guaranteed a fair trial.

Anatoly Kucherena said he has teamed up with U.S. and German lawyers to work on the issue.

Kucherena, who has links to the Kremlin, was speaking at a Moscow news conference on March 3 to present a book he has written about his client.

In 2013, Moscow granted asylum to Snowden who leaked details of U.S. government surveillance programs.

Russia has repeatedly refused to extradite Snowden to the United States, straining already tense ties with Washington.

Snowden's whereabouts have not been made public.

Kucherena said Snowden moves freely but is accompanied by guards.

Snowden is praised by some as a whistleblower and condemned by others as a traitor who compromised U.S. security.

Based on reporting by AP and Reuters