Russia's Medvedev To Visit Armenia, Azerbaijan

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and Armenian Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamian discussed the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh in a telephone conversation on April 5, the Russian government press service reported.

The two leaders confirmed Medvedev's previously scheduled visit to Armenia on April 7-8. Afterward, Medvedev plans to visit Azerbaijan on April 8.

In his conversation with Abrahamian, Medvedev expressed "serous concern" about the escalation of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh, where a cease-fire was declared on April 5, the Kremlin said.

Medvedev "underscored the need for strictly observing the agreement on the cessation of hostilities and the importance of the soonest possible resumption of the political settlement process," it said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin also called the presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia on April 5 to urge their observance of the cease-fire, the Kremlin said.

Based on reporting by Interfax and TASS