Wives Of Russian Soldiers Stage Small 'Demobilization' Protests In Moscow

The action was organized by "The Way Home," a loose grouping of mainly women who've demanded that their husbands or sons be rotated out of Ukrainian front lines or be fully demobilized. (file photo)

Wives and relatives of Russian soldiers fighting in Ukraine held a series of small protests in Moscow, the latest in a series of public displays of dissent against Kremlin policies. Photos and videos posted to Telegram on January 6 showed a series of "single-person pickets" -- women standing by themselves holding protest signs near the Defense Ministry and other government buildings. The action was organized by "The Way Home," a loose grouping of mainly women who've demanded that their husbands or sons be rotated out of Ukrainian front lines or be fully demobilized. Police did not interfere or make arrests, in contrast to other public protests which have been quickly quashed. To read the original Russian Service story, click here.