Russian Scrotum Artist Faces Hooliganism Charge

Police approach artist Pyotr Pavlensky during his protest on Red Square

A criminal case has been launched against a performance artist who nailed his scrotum to the pavement on Moscow's Red Square.

If charged and convicted of hooliganism, St. Petersburg performance artist Pyotr Pavlensky faces a maximum punishment of five years in prison.

On November 10, Pavlensky, 29, stripped naked, sat on the cobblestones of Moscow's historic square, and nailed his scrotum to the ground, shocking passersby.

Pavlensky told journalists that his performance near the Kremlin was meant to draw attention to the indifference shown by Russian society to widespread government control.

Last year, Pavlensky sewed his lips shut to protest the arrests of members of Pussy Riot.

In May, he wrapped his naked body in barbed wire outside the St. Petersburg parliament to protest the passage of increasingly repressive laws in Russia.

Based on reporting by AFP and RIA Novosti