Serbian Journalists Demand Firing Of Defense Minister

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WATCH: Hundreds of journalists protested in Belgrade and other Serbian cities on December 21 to demand that Defense Minister Bratislav Gasic be removed from his post over a sexist insult directed at a female reporter. Serbia's prime minister has promised to dismiss Gasic, but has yet to do so. (RFE/RL's Balkan Service)

Hundreds of journalists have protested across Serbia demanding the prime minister keep a promise to dismiss his defense minister, who recently made a sexist comment to a female journalist.

Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said two weeks ago that he was replacing Bratislav Gasic, but Gasic has remained in office.

Gasic sparked outrage after a journalist from B92 Television knelt down in front of him to avoid being in the way of cameras and he commented, "I like these female journalists who kneel down so easily."

The protests dubbed "Journalists Do Not Kneel" were held in several towns late on December 21. Organizers say that Gasic remaining in office "shows how media are treated in Serbia."

Vucic has faced accusations of curbing media freedom despite pledging reforms.

Based on reporting by AP