Belgrade Rally Calls For Unity With Bosnian Serbs

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A pro-government nationalist rally was held in Serbia's capital, Belgrade, on June 8 alongside a joint session of the Serbian cabinet with the leadership of Bosnia-Herzegovina's Serb-led entity, Republika Srpska. The entity's president, Milorad Dodik, addressed the crowd. While some participants in the rally hope that Bosnian Serbs unite with Serbia in one state, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stressed that the declaration adopted at the joint cabinet session didn't call for Serbs to secede from Bosnia. The declaration, however, disapproved of the UN General Assembly resolution that established an international memorial day for the 1995 killings of Bosnian Muslims near the town of Srebrenica. The resolution calls the massacre "genocide," a term that the Serbian and Bosnian Serb leaders reject.