Serbian Prime Minister's Gay Partner Gives Birth To Baby Boy

Ana Brnabic is Serbia's first woman prime minister and openly gay leader.

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic's partner has given birth to a baby boy, her office reports, in a country that still does not recognize same-sex marriages.

"Ana Brnabic is one of the first prime ministers whose partner has given birth while in office...and the first in the world in a same-sex couple," her office said on February 20.

The statement said the mother, Milica Djurdjic, and the baby, named Igor, are "doing fine."

The brief statement did not give further details of the birth.

Serbian lawmakers elected Brnabic as prime minister in June 2017, making history by choosing both the conservative Balkan state's first female prime minister and its first openly gay leader.

Gay marriages are not legal in Serbia, but some reports say lawmakers could soon introduce same-sex partnership in part of efforts designed to bring the country closer to European Union membership.

Brnabic herself has often declined to comment publicly on whether she would like to see same-sex marriage being legalized in Serbia.

The U.S.- and British-educated Brnabic, 43, is an ally of Serbia's populist president, Aleksandar Vucic.

Based on reporting by the BBC, AP, and AFP