Belgrade To Unveil Monument To Franz Ferdinand Assassin

Bosnia-Herzegovina's Republika Srpska unveiled a monument to Princip in eastern Sarajevo in 2014.

The government of Serbia will unveil a monument in June to Gavrilo Princip, the Bosnian Serb who assassinated Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914, unleashing the events that led to World War I.

A Belgrade official said on June 8 that the monument will be unveiled in the Serbian capital on June 28, the 101st anniversary of the assassination.

"The monument will honor a man who entered Serbian history through his actions, a man who sacrificed everything for liberty," local official Goran Vesic told Serbia's RTS state television.

The Belgrade monument is a gift from Bosnia-Herzegovina's Republika Srpska, the federation's Serb-dominated entity.

Republika Srpska unveiled a monument to Princip in eastern Sarajevo in 2014.

Princip is a divisive figure in the region, with some viewing him as a champion of Slavic independence and others seeing him as a terrorist.

Based on reporting by the BBC, AFP, and InSerbia News