Solitary Confinement Extended For Norway's Confessed Killer

Police escort Anders Behring Breivik (in red) back to Utoeya Island on August 13 to reenact his alleged rampage at a youth camp.

An Oslo court has ruled that Anders Behring Breivik, who has admitted to twin attacks in Norway that claimed 77 lives in July, was to remain in solitary confinement a further four weeks and remain in custody until mid-November.

Judge Anne Margrethe Lund announced the decision after a closed hearing.

"In the court's opinion, absolute solitary confinement is necessary to prevent a situation where the suspect gets insight into the ongoing investigation, destroys evidence, or contacts possible associates," Lund said. "Taken into account the risks that this would include, the court maintains its belief that solitary imprisonment is necessary and justified in this case."

Breivik, 32, has confessed to the July 22 Oslo bombing that killed eight, and the subsequent mass shooting of 69 people at a youth camp on the island of Uttoeya.

Breivik is to remain in custody until November 14, by which time a new custody hearing is due.

compiled from agency reports