The Beautiful And Bizarre World Of Soviet Police Posters

"District police can always count on the help of society for their work." (The men with the armbands are citizen volunteers, who assisted the police.)

"Police investigations are the front-line of the war against crime."

"To lead, to teach, and to persuade is your goal and your calling. You have to improve your political knowledge persistently on a daily basis."
"My militia (Soviet police) takes care of me." -- A famous quote from the prominent Soviet poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, who is standing at the easel.
"Fight hooliganism. The people who work for the police decisively stop all violations of public order. Remember, impunity encourages hooligans and other violators."
"Police! With a keen eye, defend the people's property. To defend is your sacred duty."
"The strength of the police is in their connection with the people."
"A distinguished officer enables the chief to fulfill his duties."
"Be vigilant! Police officers, you don't have the right to let your guard down, even for a minute."
"The police are the servants of the people." On the wall the poster reads: "Be sensitive to the complaints and statements of the workers."
"Deserved award for the faithful servants of the homeland."