Syria Warns Rebels May Use Chemical Weapons

A member of Liwa Salahadin, a Kurdish military unit fighting alongside rebel fighters, aims at a regime fighter in the besieged district of Karmel al-Jabl in eastern Aleppo on December 6.

Syria's government says rebels could use chemical weapons in their fight against President Bashar al-Assad's forces.

The Foreign Ministry said that rebels have gained control of a toxic chlorine factory east of Aleppo.

The regime reiterated it will never resort to using chemical weapons on its own people.

However, British Foreign Secretary William Hague said there was evidence Assad's government could actually employ chemical weapons stocks in the 21-month-old conflict. He did not elaborate.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said it would be an "outrageous crime" if the regime used chemical weapons against the rebels.

Meanwhile, Syrian troops continued to battle rebels near the capital, Damascus.

On December 7, Syrian rebels declared Damascus International Airport a "legitimate target" in a bid to cut off regime supplies.

Based on reporting by AP, AFP, and Reuters