Turkey Says Will Continue Attacks On Kurdish Targets In Syria

Turkey says it will continue to conduct strikes against Kurdish fighters in Syria, despite growing pressure on Ankara to stop the shelling amid a truce deal backed by world powers.

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told German Chancellor Angela Merkel on February 14 that Ankara would continue to strike back at Kurdish fighters of the YPG.

Turkey views the YPG as an affiliate of the Kurdish PKK movement, which it considers to be a terrorist organization.

The Turkish Army shelled Kurdish militia in northern Syria for a second day February 14.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights group said two fighters from the Syrian Democratic Forces group were killed. The Syrian Democratic Forces group is dominated by Kurdish fighters from the YPG.

Earlier on February 14, France called on Turkey to halt bombardments of Kurdish targets in Syria.

The French Foreign Ministry said all military action should cease in Syria in line with the truce accord.

The cessation-of-hostilities agreement reached by nations in the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) in Munich on February 12 makes exceptions only for attacks against Islamic State (IS) militants and Al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda's Syrian affiliate.

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia has confirmed it will send aircraft to NATO-member Turkey's Incirlik air base for the fight against IS in Syria.

Brigadier General Ahmad al-Assiri told pan-Arab Al-Arabiya television on February 13 that the kingdom was committed to stepping up the fighting against IS and that the move was part of those efforts.

Based on reporting by Reuters, AFP, and AP