Tajik Opposition Member Claims Government Cut Electricity To His Mother's House Over Protest

Farhod Odinaev is part of a group of self-exiled Tajik activists who have complained that their relatives were under pressure after activists pelted the car of President Emomali Rahmon with eggs while he was in Berlin for talks with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in late September. 

Tajik opposition member Farhod Odinaev said the government has cut off electricity supplies to his mother's house as part of a pressure campaign officials are waging against regime critics. Odinaev told Radio Ozodi, RFE/RL's Tajik-language service, that when he confronted the electricity supplier, no reason was given for the cut. Odinaev is part of a group of self-exiled Tajik activists who have complained that their relatives were under pressure after Central Asian activists pelted the car of President Emomali Rahmon with eggs while he was in Berlin for talks with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in late September. To read the original story by RFE/RL' Tajik Service, click here.