Jailed Member Of Banned Tajik Political Party Moved To Prison Hospital

Zubaidulloh Roziq (file photo)

An imprisoned member of the banned Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan (IRPT) has been transferred to a prison infirmary. An official of the Tajik Penitentiary Service told RFE/RL on August 8 that Zubaidulloh Roziq, 82, is being treated for heart problems. Roziq was arrested in 2015 along with 13 other members of the IRPT and later sentenced to 25 years in prison on a charge of involvement in a failed armed attempt to seize power. He and his supporters rejected this charge, saying it was politically motivated. Tajikistan outlawed the IRPT in 2015, branding it a terrorist organization, a claim the party denies. Two members of the IRPT have died in prison since January 2024. To read the original story by RFE/RL's Tajik Service, click here.

NOTE: An earlier version of this article wrongly stated that Zubaidulloh Roziq had died in prison. The text has been amended to clarify that he is still alive, but has been transferred to a prison infirmary with health issues.