Tatarstan Health Minister Fired After Deputy's Death

Adel Vafin

KAZAN, Russia – The health minister in Russia's Tatarstan region, Adel Vafin, has been removed from his post days after his deputy was found dead in her home while under house arrest on financial-crime charges.

Tatarstan cabinet officials said on February 14 that Vafin was relieved of his duties following his transfer to another position.

The announcement comes seven days after Deputy Health Minister Yelena Shishmaryova, 52, died in her home in the regional capital, Kazan.

At the time, Vafin called his deputy's death "a real tragedy," adding that Tatarstan "lost a highly qualified professional."

Shishmaryova was placed under house arrest on February 3 after she was charged with financial fraud and abuse of office. Her death is being investigated.

Marat Sadykov, the chief physician at a Kazan clinic, was appointed as the region's new health minister.