Tbilisi Condemns Russia-South Ossetia Border Deal

TBILISI -- Georgia has condemned a "state border" agreement signed by Moscow and the Georgian breakaway South Ossetia region.

In a statement issued on February 18, hours after the accord was inked in Moscow, the Georgian Foreign Ministry called the signing of the document "yet another action directed against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia."

The statement also said Russia "vainly attempts to conceal the de facto annexation" of South Ossetia and another Georgian breakaway region, Abkhazia.

In November, Moscow signed an "alliance and strategic partnership" treaty with Abkhazia’s separatist government.

Moscow has said it plans to sign a similar treaty with South Ossetia.

Russia recognized South Ossetia and Abkhazia as independent nations after fighting a five-day war with Georgia in 2008.

With reporting by civil.ge