The Week's Best: Stories You May Have Missed

We know that isn't the only website you read, and it's possible that you may have missed some of our most interesting journalism from the past week. To make sure you're up-to-date, here are some of the highlights produced by RFE/RL's team of correspondents, multimedia editors, and visual journalists over the past seven days.

The Unsolved Mystery Of Soviet Nukes In Czechoslovakia

​Decades after the end of the Cold War, experts are still debating whether the Soviet Union actually stored live nuclear warheads in three top-secret bunkers in Czechoslovakia. We visited the decaying sites to see what remains of this terrifying legacy. By Dmitry Treshchanin, Tetiana Iarmoshchuk, and Robert Coalson

'A Very Humane Human': Putin Gets Love, Love, And More Love From New State TV Show​

​A new weekly program on Russian state TV is adding to its drumbeat of adulatory coverage of President Vladimir Putin, praising his physical fitness and love of nature, and showing him as a leader that "you don't mess around with."​ By Carl Schreck

Dig Near Stalin-Era Mass Grave Looks To Some Like Kremlin Dirty Work​

​Activists fear excavation near the scene of Stalin crimes is part of a bid to discredit a prominent historian and rewrite the significance of the Sandarmokh killing ground.​ By Lyubov Chizhova and Robert Coalson​

Suicide Bombings, Arab Fighters, And Pakistani Asset: Jalaluddin Haqqani's Legacy

​Jalaluddin Haqqani had been out of the insurgency game for years, but leaves behind an extensive legacy of violence in Afghanistan.​ By Frud Bezhan

Uzbekistan’s Forbidden Art Treasures

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Uzbekistan’s Forbidden Art Treasures

​In a dusty town in the Uzbek desert, a collection of once-banned Soviet-era art worth hundreds of millions of dollars is finally attracting the world’s attention.​ By Amos Chapple and Margot Buff

'AIDS Boy,' 'Dog,' And 'Disgrace To Society': How Russia Greets Gay Men Seeking Asylum​

​It's no secret that LGBT Russians have fled their homeland in recent years amid what rights advocates call rising homophobia in the country. But a small number of sexual minorities have sought refuge in Russia -- with mixed results.​ By Carl Schreck

Mercy-Man: Tajik Telepathic Superhero Teaches Compassion​

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Mercy-Man: Tajik Telepathic Superhero Teaches Compassion

​He's compassionate and has telepathic powers. Meet Tajikistan's new superhero, Mercy-Man.​ By RFE/RL's Tajik Service and Stuart Greer

Separatist Leader Zakharchenko Was A Thorn In The Side Of Both Kyiv And Moscow​

​Aleksandr Zakharchenko, who died in a bomb blast at a Donetsk cafe, was the pivotal leader in the Russian-backed insurgency in eastern Ukraine. But he was never more than a figurehead, not fully trusted in Moscow and despised in Kyiv.​ By Christopher Miller

Kyrgyzstan’s Hills Come Alive With The Sound Of Nomads​

​RFE/RL’s photographer was on hand to capture the hoof-thumping action as the mountain venue of Kyrgyzstan’s Nomad Games opened on September 3.​ By Amos Chapple

Up In Arms: Russia’s Massive Vostok-2018 War Games​

​Russia's Vostok-2018 joint military exercises on September 11-15 will include up to 300,000 troops and 1,000 aircraft, making it the biggest war games in Russia in almost 40 years.​