Poroshenko Signs Decree Allowing NATO Training In Ukraine During 2017

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (file photo)

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (file photo)

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has signed a decree allowing troops from the United States and other NATO countries to carry out training missions in Ukraine during 2017.

The presidential website announced the signing on January 26, saying that, under a previously announced plan, Ukraine will host up to 3,000 troops, along with equipment and aircraft, from the United States and other NATO countries under NATO's Partnership for Peace program in 2017.

It said about 2,500 troops, up to 10 navy surface ships, five submarines, planes, helicopters and other equipment, would arrive for 25 days during the summer as part of the Sea Breeze 2017 training operation.

Maneuvers under an operation called Rapid Trident will also be held in Ukraine during 2017.

Poroshenko's decree also allows Ukrainian forces to take part in exercises outside of Ukraine,including scheduled maneuvers in Britain, Germany, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Denmark,Jordan, Bulgaria, Georgia, and Romania.

With reporting by Interfax