UN Security Council, Including Russia, Adopts Text On Ukraine

The UN Security Council has issued its first official statement on the conflict in Ukraine. (file photo)

In its first official statement since Moscow’s invasion of its western neighbor, the UN Security Council, including Russia, has adopted a brief text expressing "deep concern regarding the maintenance of peace and security of Ukraine."

The text, written by Norway and Mexico and adopted on May 6, did not mention a “war,” “conflict,” or “invasion” -- as many council members call Russia’s military action -- or a “special military operation” as Moscow refers to it.

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"The Security Council expresses deep concern regarding the maintenance of peace and security of Ukraine," it reads.

"The Security Council recalls that all Member States have undertaken, under the Charter of the United Nations, the obligation to settle their international disputes by peaceful means."

"The Security Council expresses strong support for the efforts of the Secretary-General in the search for a peaceful solution," said the statement, which also requests that UN chief Antonio Guterres brief the council again "in due course."

Russia vetoed a draft Security Council resolution on February 25 that would have deplored Moscow's invasion. China, the United Arab Emirates and India abstained from the vote.

A council resolution needs nine votes in favor and no vetoes by the United States, Russia, China, France, or Britain to pass.

The 193-member General Assembly -- in which no country has a veto -- has overwhelmingly adopted two nonbinding resolutions regarding the war.

The General Assembly deplored Russia's "aggression against Ukraine," demanding that Russian troops stop fighting and withdraw its forces.

It also assailed Moscow Russia for creating a "dire" humanitarian situation.

Based on reporting by Reuters and dpa