U.S., Britain, France Demand UN Investigate Russia's Use Of Iranian Drones In Ukraine

The wreckage of an Iranian Shahed kamikaze drone launched by the Russian Army with a "New Year's greeting" in Russian that was shot down over Kyiv on December 31, 2022.

The United States, Britain, and France demanded on June 23 that the United Nations urgently investigate Russia’s reported use of Iranian-provided drones in the war in Ukraine. “This is a matter of life or death for the Ukrainian people,” U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield told the Security Council after calling for an investigation, which Albania and Ukraine also backed. The five countries say procuring drones from Iran is a violating the Security Council resolution endorsing the 2015 nuclear agreement between Iran and six major powers. It’s unclear whether the UN will investigate in the face of strong opposition from Russia.