OSCE Calls U.S. Vote Professional But Cites Shortcomings

Daan Everts: "Real concerns"

Daan Everts: "Real concerns"

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe says the November 6 U.S. elections took place in a “highly competitive and pluralistic environment and were administered in a professional manner.”

But the OSCE says there are some specific concerns about the electoral system that America should address.

The head of the OSCE’s observer mission to the elections, Ambassador Daan Everts, said in a statement that “there are real concerns over issues such as voting rights, the accuracy of voter lists, the transparency of campaign finance, recount procedures, and access for international election observers.”

The statement called the legal framework for American elections "highly decentralized and complex" and said legislation in some states does not provide for inspections by international election observers, contrary to U.S. commitments as an OSCE member.