U.S. Senate Democrats Increasingly Confident Will Uphold Iran Deal

Democratic support for the Iran nuclear deal is nearing a level that ensures the U.S. Senate will uphold the accord in a critical vote expected next month.

Senator Patty Murray on August 25 became the 29th Senate Democrat to declare her support for the deal -- bringing the party within five votes of the 34 needed to uphold President Barack Obama's expected veto of a resolution rejecting the deal that Republican leaders are preparing to send him.

Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid came close to declaring victory after appearing with Obama in his home state of Nevada.

"I felt cautiously optimistic that we would have enough votes to sustain the president's veto, and that seems pretty clear to me," Reid said.

Reid was even hopeful that Democrats might drum up the 41 votes needed to block the GOP's disapproval resolution from ever reaching Obama's desk.

"As far as procedurally stopping this bill from moving forward, I hope -- I know it's a long shot -- but I hope that it can be done," he said.

Based on reporting by AP, U.S. News & World Report, and The New York Times