Water Leaks At Onagawa Nuclear Plant After Latest Japan Quake

Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant in Miyagi Prefecture

Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant in Miyagi Prefecture

Water spills and water leaks have been reported at a nuclear power station in northeastern Japan after a 7.1-magnitude earthquake overnight.

Tohoku Electric Power Company, which runs the Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant in Miyagi Prefecture, said water had spilled onto the floor at all three of the plant's reactors.

The company also said it found water leaks at five locations in the plant, including inside buildings housing the reactors.

The operator said the blowout panels, devices designed to control pressure inside the buildings, were damaged at reactor No. 3.

The plant's operations have been suspended since a 9-magnitude earthquake on March 11.

At least two people have died and more than 100 were injured by the April 7 aftershock.

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, which was severely damaged by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, suffered no serious damage but workers struggling with repair work were briefly evacuated.

compiled from agency reports