U.S. Officials Charge Wife Of Chechen Linked To Boston Marathon Bomb Suspect

Tamerlan Tsarnaev is seen in a photo released by the FBI in April 2013

The wife of a Chechen man who was shot and killed by FBI agents as they questioned him about one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects has been charged with making a false statement.

A federal indictment filed in Atlanta district court last week said that Reniya Manukyan lied to a federal investigator looking into bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

Manukyan was separated and living apart from her husband, Ibrahim Todashev, in May 2013 when he was killed by an FBI agent at his Orlando apartment, several weeks after the marathon bombings.

FBI agents were interviewing Todashev because he and Tsarnaev had been friends through mixed-martial arts circles when Todashev lived in Boston.

The FBI has said Todashev became violent during the questioning and was shot by agents. His family, however, has claimed it was a wrongful death and said it plans to file a wrongful-death lawsuit.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed during a police shoot-out just days after the marathon bombing. His younger brother, Dzhokhar, was convicted last year for his involvement and sentenced to death.

With reporting by AP