Russia Abstains As UN Imposes Arms Embargo On Yemen Rebels

The United Nations Security Council on April 14 imposed an arms embargo on the Iran-allied Huthi rebels who rule much of the country.

Fourteen council members voted in favor of the embargo, while Russia abstained, saying some of its proposals for the resolution, drafted by council member Jordan and Gulf Arab states, were not included.

Saudi Arabia launched air strikes against the Iran-backed Huthis in neighboring Yemen last month with a coalition made up mainly of four Gulf Arab allies.

Shi'ite Huthi rebels -- who Yemen says are backed by Iran -- have seized swathes of territory in Yemen since they entered the capital, Sanaa, in September, forcing government forces to flee.

Separately, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said April 14 in Madrid that Iran has proposed a peace plan for Yemen that calls for a cease-fire followed by talks by all sides that would be mediated by foreigners.

Based on reporting by Reuters and AFP