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Siamak Pourzand was sentenced in 2002 to 11 years in jail.
Siamak Pourzand was sentenced in 2002 to 11 years in jail.
The widow of a veteran Iranian journalist who jumped to his death last week has expressed shock at his suicide, RFE/RL's Radio Farda reports.

Siamak Pourzand, a prominent cultural figure who was jailed in his 70s on charges including adultery and spying, died on Friday (April 29) after throwing himself from the balcony of his Tehran apartment.

His daughter said Pourzand took his own life because of the severe depression he was suffering from. Pourzand had been under house arrest for the last five years and was barred from leaving the country and joining his family abroad.

His widow, Mehrangiz Kar, told RFE/RL that her husband's suicide came out of the blue.

"He was so hopeful to be able to see his children after 10 years, that I never expected this. But they took him to a point where he was not allowed to leave the country even under supervision to meet his children for one last time," she said.

"He was so hopeful to be able to see his children after 10 years, that I never expected this. But they took him to a point where he was not allowed to leave the country even under supervision to meet his children for one last time," she said.

She added, "We are going to pursue his last hope to establish a commission, similar to the one established in South Africa; a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, regardless of the regime in Iran."

Kar said Pourzand "hoped to live to see the day that such a commission would be established, where he could demand the rights and reveal his true story, speak of the actions taken against him, and at the end, forgive."

Official Harassment

Pourzand began his long career in 1952 as a journalist working for several independent newspapers, something he did before and after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

He later took over the management of Tehran's artistic and cultural center and was a cultural commentator for several reformist newspapers after 1997.

Pourzand was abducted by security agents in November 2001 and was held in solitary confinement for several months and tortured in an attempt to extract a televised confession from him.

He was sentenced in 2002 to 11 years in jail on charges of "spying and undermining state security" and "links with monarchists and counterrevolutionaries."

He later on also faced a charge of adultery.

Pourzand's health deteriorated in prison after which he was released on a medical parole, spending his last few years under house arrest and constant harassment from Intelligence Ministry interrogators.
CHITA, Russia -- A Russian man who was tortured by police in 2009 has been awarded the equivalent of $12,500 in compensation by a court in the eastern city of Chita, RFE/RL's Russian Service reports.

Last summer, three local policemen were found guilty of torturing Vitaly Rubtsov in 2009.

Investigators said in court that police took Rubtsov into the forest, handcuffed him, and put a gas mask over his face to deprive him of air in an effort to coerce him into confessing that he had stolen cars.

According to the court decision on May 5, the convicted policemen and the local government must each pay half of the compensation.

Read more in Russian here

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