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Radio Azattyq reporter Manas Kayirtauly tries to get a comment from a police officer in Almaty in 2019.
Radio Azattyq reporter Manas Kayirtauly tries to get a comment from a police officer in Almaty in 2019.

During a deadly crisis in Uzbekistan's autonomous region of Karakalpakstan this summer, a glance at the private website revealed telltale signs of state censorship.

Underneath the headlines of articles related to the unrest that left more than 20 people dead, a sentence reading "Material deleted" had replaced texts that were visible just hours earlier.

The articles were reinstated quickly after criticism from users and's report this week on a critical assessment of the security forces' handling of the protests that was published by Human Rights Watch. The report has surprisingly not been removed since it was posted.

But the censorship episode highlighted the shifting "red lines" for independent media in Central Asia, where the environments range from Turkmenistan, where no free reporting is tolerated, to Kyrgyzstan, where the normally vibrant independent media experiences periodic crackdowns.

Kyrgyz Press Under Pressure

Described by Reporters Without Borders as "an exception in Central Asia, as it enjoys relative freedom of expression and of the press, despite an unstable economy and rampant official corruption," Kyrgyzstan placed 72nd out of 180 countries in the group'smedia-freedom index for 2021.

But it would be surprising if it still held that relatively lofty perch in next year's rankings.

The latest turn by authorities against independent journalism began in January, when riot police raided the office of investigative journalist Bolot Temirov, bringing him before a judge on narcotics charges.

Two separate charges -- of forging state documents and illegally crossing a state border -- swiftly followed.

Temirov maintained that the investigation was punishment for his Temirov Live investigation of the business activities of relatives of Kyrgyzstan's national security chief, Kamchibek Tashiev, a powerful figure.

In September, Temirov won a partial acquittal, but the prosecutor has challenged the verdict.

Last month, attacks on the free media deepened after the government froze the bank account of RFER/L's Kyrgyz Service, Azattyk, and ordered its website to be blocked -- acts that local and foreign media rights organizations described as attempts to silence the outlet's reporting.

Authorities explained the block in relation to a video report on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border conflict in September that they claimed used hate speech and false information, with RFE/RL coverage "predominantly taking the position of the Tajik side" during the fighting that killed more than 100 people.

More than 100 demonstrators marched in Bishkek on October 14 in support of independent media and freedom of speech.
More than 100 demonstrators marched in Bishkek on October 14 in support of independent media and freedom of speech.

The Kyrgyz government demanded the removal of the video from the website, but RFE/RL refused to take it down.

In solidarity with Azattyk amid the attacks from the government, several independent news websites decided on October 26 not to put news on their websites for several hours and ignored government press releases throughout the day.

The campaign was conducted under the slogan "There is no news. There is pressure on the media."

Earlier in the month, a few dozen people rallied outside Azattyk's office, clamoring for its closure and the shutdown of two other news websites, Kloop and Kaktus Media.

One member of the rally threatened to douse the office in gasoline if their demands were not met.

Swings And Roundabouts

Kyrgyzstan's case shows how coverage of topics can become more dangerous as public and political attention on them grows sharper.

Other red lines are more time-honored, such as coverage of religious and interethnic issues, which can leave journalists open to vague but punitive charges of inciting discord, or coverage of LGBT rights, which are not widely accepted in the region.

Mention of elite corruption also rarely fails to trigger a reaction from authorities, especially when it concerns the families of national leaders.

In Kazakhstan, users reported problems accessing the website of RFE/RL's Kazakh Service, Azattyq, after the service published an interview with Geneva-based journalist Agathe Duparc, who co-authored a report examining the foreign business interests of Kazakh President Qasym-Zhomart Toqaev and his family.

The story, The Kazakh President's Underground Business Went Through Switzerland, appeared on the Swiss website Public Eye and cited leaked e-mails between Toqaev and his relatives among its sources.

Among other dealings, it dwelled on an expensive revamp of a conference room at the UN office in Geneva in 2012 when Toqaev, a career diplomat, was serving as the office's director general.

The refurbishments, paid for by the Kazakh government, directly benefited the artist Batima Zaurbekova, the mother-in-law of Toqaev's son, Timur.

The report has been largely ignored by the Kazakh media, where regime-loyal oligarchs own some of the largest outlets. Public Eye's website is inaccessible to Kazakhstan-based users without circumvention tools.

A journalist from the Yntymak TV channel works in Osh, Kyrgyzstan.
A journalist from the Yntymak TV channel works in Osh, Kyrgyzstan.

Uzbekistan is one country in the region that can claim notable improvements in press freedom in the past decade, but only because the 25-year reign of brutal first President Islam Karimov had set the bar very low.

Signs of genuine media independence have emerged under President Shavkat Mirziyoev, but they are tentative as the government's sensitivities over coverage of the Karakalpakstan crisis showed.

RFE/RL's Uzbek Service, Ozodlik, remains blocked inside the country as it has been for many years.

In Tajikistan, things are moving in the other direction, with arrests and convictions of independent bloggers and journalists on trumped up charges considered commonplace.

Observers have attributed the latest crackdown in Tajikistan to the government's desire to control the narrative surrounding a bloody security operation launched in its autonomous region of Gorno-Badakhshan in May.

The government has said 29 people died in that violence, as Dushanbe succeeded in either jailing or fatally wounding several key local leaders that it characterized as gangsters and terrorists.

RFE/RL's Tajik Service, Ozodi, one of the few independent sources of information in Tajikistan, verified the deaths of 34 people during the events that began with peaceful protests over perceived injustice in the region.

Another independent local outlet, Asia Plus, warned its readers in the first days of the conflict that it would not be able to give the events the coverage its readership deserved.

Asia Plus said it had been informed by authorities that its coverage was "unilateral" and threatened national stability. If the outlet did not "eliminate these shortcomings" it would be shut down, it quoted officials as saying.

Protesters take to the streets in Zahedan, Iran, on November 11.
Protesters take to the streets in Zahedan, Iran, on November 11.

Protests continued overnight on November 12-13 in many Iranian cities as rights defenders warned of a climbing death and arrest tolls, while Tehran responded angrily to outside criticism of the Iranian government's eight-week crackdown.

There were street demonstrations overnight in the capital, Tehran, and the cities of Arak, Shiraz, Zanjan, Sanandaj, and Sardasht.

Iran has been engulfed by protests and a brutal crackdown triggered by the death in custody of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in mid-September after her detention by morality police for an alleged dress-code violation.

Video also emerged on social media of the moment when a 17-year-old was apparently shot by security forces in the city of Karaj. The images showed Mehdi Hazrati pushing ahead of a crowd of protesters before being gunned down.

Local media quoted by AFP said Iran's judiciary hadcharged 750 more people in at least three provinces over "recent riots," adding to at least 2,000 others the department has confirmed were already charged in connection with the unrest.

A judicial official in the southern Hormozgan Province was quoted as saying the various charges include "incitement to killing," "injuring security forces," anti-state propaganda, and damaging public property.

Elsewhere, the Hamamihan newspaper quoted a student activist as saying around 150 students at Al-Zahra University had been suspended overnight following a punishment directed at a gathering there.

Al-Zahra University has been one of the hubs of student protest since the current wave of unrest began.

The Iran Human Rights group, a nonprofit that operates inside and outside the country, said on November 12 that it had counted at least 326 deaths so far across 22 provinces since the start of the unrest, including 43 children.

It said that November 4, when at least 16 people died after security troops appeared to fire on a crowd in the town of Khash, was one of the bloodiest days in the crackdown on two months of protests.

The group repeated its call for a more decisive and urgent response from the international community to prevent Iranian deaths.

Western sources suspect at least around 14,000 others have been caught up in mass arrests since the protests began.

An Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Nasser Qanaani, responded to criticism by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz by saying his video appeal for added pressure on Tehran was "interventionist, provocative, and undiplomatic."

In a tweet, Scholz called for more EU sanctions and "to continue to step up the pressure" on the hard-line military Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and Iran's political leadership.

A day earlier, French President Emmanuel Macron met with a delegation of exiled Iranian rights activists and hailed the women-led protest movement in Iran as a "revolution."

France's foreign minister then accused Tehran of "dictatorial practices" and of using dual citizens as hostages, saying a total of seven French nationals are now in Iranian custody, after a video of a purported confession of spying by two French citizens was aired on Iranian television.

EU foreign ministers are expected to agree on expanded sanctions against Iran when they meet on November 14.

Germany and Iceland have also urged that an emergency session of the UN Human Rights Council be convened later this month on the Iranian situation.

German news agency dpa reported early on November 13 that some Iranian residents of Berlin were attacked at a protest camp they set up there to show support for women's rights and democracy in their home country.

Police said a 26-year-old man with a knife had destroyed banners and threatened some of the Iranian activists.

No one was injured and the man was arrested, police added.

The German State Protection Office that handles terrorist attacks is also involved due to suspicions that the attack was politically motivated.

With reporting by dpa

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"Watchdog" is a blog with a singular mission -- to monitor the latest developments concerning human rights, civil society, and press freedom. We'll pay particular attention to reports concerning countries in RFE/RL's broadcast region.


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