Kyrgyz Police Arrest Fourth Suspect In Death Of Kazakh Tourist

Issyk Kul is a popular resort with Kazakh tourists.

BISHKEK -- Police in northern Kyrgyzstan have arrested a fourth suspect in the robbing and fatal beating of a Kazakh tourist, RFE/RL's Kyrgyz Service reports.

Tilek Kyzaev of the Issyk-Kul regional interior affairs department told RFE/RL on August 22 that the suspect was arrested on August 19.

On August 18, Interior Ministry spokesman Bakyt Seyitov told RFE/RL that three suspects had been apprehended in Issyk-Kul region.

The four suspects face charges of robbery with assault, and assault with a fatal outcome.

The Kazakh tourist, Erlan Balmakhaev, 32, was robbed and severely beaten near a resort at Lake Issyk-Kul on August 7. He fell into a coma after being hospitalized and died in a clinic in Bishkek on August 14.

Kyzaev told RFE/RL that it was the first killing of a tourist in Kyrgyzstan.

Most foreign tourists who visit Issyk-Kul area each summer are from Kazakhstan.

A total of 129 attacks on foreigners were registered in Kyrgyzstan during the first six months of this year, compared with 100 for the whole of 2010.

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